Wednesday, July 27, 2011


ONE WEEK!!!!!! Oh wow, just one more week from today and I will be switched! This crap-band will be out of me and I will be on my way to a new and healthy life! I am so excited!

I've started up my full liquid diet again. So far it's not awful. I'm kind of combining a bunch of different diets from different surgeons since my center doesn't have a DS specific one. Right now I'm following Dr. K's pre-op liquid diet since it seems to be pretty open. I can pretty much have anything as long as I don't have to chew it. I haven't had a protein shake yet today, but when I do I'll review it on here :)

7 little days is all that's left! I've gotten more accomplished so I'm starting to feel better. I still feel like I have a lot to do, but the list is dwindling.

Today was a bit of a shock though- my surgeon's office gave me a prescription for a bowel prep prescription. She said I could take that or drink a bottle of magnesium citrate, but I figured pills might be better than that nasty liquid stuff. Ha- my prescription cost me $40!!!! A bottle of magnesium citrate is only like $3! FRICK! And I have to take them every 15 minutes! There are 32 of them! I am going to be living in the bathroom the day before surgery I swear! Should help me drop a few lbs pre-op though :)

Ok so what is left to do?

*Get a cheap used recliner off Craigslist

*Order SpongeBob pillow to help recover faster (it will!)

*Finish all laundry

*Call office to ask about bowel prep pills and how many/often to take

*Call hospital to get copy of blood labs

*Pay surgeon's fees

*Pay hospital's fees

*Finish making ICE folder

*Pack hospital bag

I think that's it! I can do this :) No sweat Ace!


  1. You're in my thoughts Stephanie!

  2. So exciting! A Spongebob pillow? HELL YA A SPONGEBOB PILLOW!!!

  3. I love the sponge bob pillow idea!
    You're almost there!!!
