Yeah...this pic is putting it mildly. I am SOOOO hungry! :( Stupid liquid diets :( That's the only thing I hate about getting fills. On one hand, I'm so excited to get fills so that I can be properly tightened so that I can control my portions and lose weight. On the other, I go through 3 days of pure torture not being able to eat anything but Jell-O and broth. And for me it's just Jell-O because I cannot STAND broth anymore since my surgery.
Any my poor husband, I don't let him eat for 3 days either, LOL. Well, he can eat, he just can't eat anything I like. So he has to live off of pickles, rice w/salsa, and hummus while I glare at him over my Jell-O cup. I feel bad making him not eat, it's not his fault I chose to get a fill. But still, he does it because he supports me and that's how he can show it best. I'd seriously rip his head off if he TRIED to eat something super yummy around me when I can't eat it. So really this works best for both of us.
So I've lost 4 lbs from my liquid diet, and I'd be more excited about that if I weren't so dang HANGRY!!
Hangry: When you're so hungry you're angry.
Yep...that's me right now. I get really feisty when I'm this hungry. *Sigh* only 1 1/2 more days to go before I can have some real food. I'll get there!