As you can see they're kind of shaped like McDonald's chicken nuggets, but obviously they are so much better for you.
Interested in trying them? You can get them at Costco in the frozen section.
As you can see, these little babies are PACKED with protein (25), making them a great post-op addition. However, you may also notice the sodium (19% yikes!) so these aren't an every day food, they're a sometimes food. However, one full serving is 7 nuggets and post-ops may not be able to eat 7 of them in one meal. My them for when you need something FAST and you don't have time to cook up a chicken breast. These are GREAT chopped up in salads or just on there on. You can microwave them for 1 minute, flip them, 45 seconds more and they're done!
Stephanie - So glad you found Naked Nuggets and like them!!! We'd love to see you on our our facebook page and let us know your progress..