Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Down (not the good kind)

Ok support team...I need you already!

I am having such a hard time. My fill did NOTHING! I'm calling first thing tomorrow morning to schedule another one. Today is my 2 month bandiversary and I haven't lost anything more this last month. Granted, I haven't gained, but come on!

How many cc's did it take for you to get to your sweet spot? What do you FEEL when you're properly filled? When my dr. was filling me up and making me drink water, she kept asking "ok how does that feel when you take a drink?" and it felt like nothing! It felt like I was taking a drink of water. What's it supposed to feel like?

Has anyone else gone through this down time so quickly after surgery? I'm TRYING to stay positive, but it's so hard right now.



  1. Oh Stephanie, you have NO idea. I was just bemoaning this very fact myself today. I seemed to drop SO much weight so fast in about the first six weeks then KABAM! SCREECH!! it all came to a halt. I think I've lost like five kilos in the last two months. I hate that!
    When I had my third fill (just a week ago) taking me to 4cc's in a 10cc band.. for the very first time after drinking that water, it seems to take just that little bit longer going down. I could FEEL it going down, pooling in my tum and then, well nothing. So that was one sign. The other was I def had restriction: I really had to eat slower to get that food down, got a few things stuck through not chewing the food enough and had a PB or two. BUT NOW a week or so later.. well I kind of feel like I'm back at square one. I do tend to get fuller after less food but other than that.. well that original feeling has gone. This is such a tricky damn business getting it right.
    Maybe go back and get another small fill quickly. As I mentioned in my blog, such a tiny amount makes a huge difference. I hope this resolves for you.
    Cara p.s sorry for such a long post
    PSS Like the new blog page :) very pretty

  2. I was just warned by the Psychologist during at my screaning the other day that the bigggest problem with the band is the time it takes to get to the sweet-spot and that it is so discouraging for people, that they sometimes give up. And it is a drag, when you have a fill, nothing happens and you have to wait another month or two for another fill. It is making me reconsider RnY. Hang in there. You came this far. Good luck.

  3. Stephanie - You are not alone, we are all battling with this no restriction issue. I have my third fill tomorrow and praying I get some that will last awhile. You are doing a great job and think during this we have remember how excited we were pre-surgery and hold on to that.

    Hang in there!

  4. Hey Stephanie, I hear ya... This learning how to eat is tough deal! Even though I have had the opposite problem - too much restriction after just one fill - it is still frustrating and hard to deal with. I actually gained weight because I couldnt eat! I hope it gets better for you soon!!
