This morning was a great reminder for how excited I am to have this piece of garbage taken out of me in 17 days! I had a toasted bagel with whipped cream cheese for breakfast. I got almost all of one half of it down before I was running to the bathroom throwing it up. Never mind the fact that I had this same thing the night before with NO problems at all. I'm just tired of the inconsistency of it. I can eat a full rack of ribs with all the fries one day, and the next I'm choking on apple sauce! It just makes no sense. If it were all the same then at least there'd be some understanding that I'm too tight or something, but with this constant back and forth...UGH! I am soooooo excited for it to be 17 days from now so that I won't have to worry about the PBs and the foaming and the throwing up and the pain in my chest that makes it hard to breath when something gets stuck!
In other news, I discovered I'm allergic to bananas. I love them, and whenever I eat them my inner ear itches like crazy. Sometimes the roof of my mouth does too. When I looked these symptoms up online I discovered they are allergic reactions. Interesting! It's not bad enough to make me not want to eat bananas ever again, hell no! But still, good to know :) If you couldn't tell from my tone in the above topic, I like knowing what to expect!
I hope everyone is having a GREAT weekend! I'm going to be doing some pre-op shopping (blender balls, soups, diet power aids- that sort of stuff) and then hitting the drive-in to see a double feature. I am not even going to attempt to see Harry Potter this weekend, I'll wait for a week day when it won't be as congested.
Until tomorrow...
I can't wait till you can get rid of your crap band my dear!