I've decided that I'm not going to blog about the negative aspects of my day. I'm trying to be positive and so I'll just focus on the fun parts!
My most exciting part of today was that I got my Vita Lady order! I love getting packages in general, but my VitaLady package was even MORE exciting!!
First let me point out how NICE it was to open my box and see this:

they put a rose in the box for me to open up to! :D That was so nice! It completely made my day better.
Below you'll see all the many many samples I got! Sooooooo many! Haha. I'll be reviewing each and every one of those in the upcoming months. Now after I'm done with this blog I am going to start the sorting and dividing :D I know a lot of people don't like this part but I seriously love sorting and organizing! So excited!

Then at my pre-op classes (which I will just say- at first I was in a murderous rage, but it got better and I'm more calm now) were today and went alright once the girl I was supposed to meet got there. Omg- I can't not tell you so I just will. I was raging! I was supposed to meet with "Girl A" and she wasn't available for whatever reason. So "Girl B" walks out and says that she'll be giving me the classes instead. OH HEEEEEEEEEEELLLL NO! "Girl B" was the same- the very same- girl that gave the original class that I vented about previously! But I decided that I was already there so I may as well give her another chance. Big mistake. She started up the slide show and it was the same thing I saw at the 101. So I told her that and she's like "well I have to show it to you again for you to get credit for the class." OK first of all this is not college...what "credit" am I earning here? Anyway, sorry, just rubbed me the wrong way. So anyway, I had to explain to her for like 10 minutes that I already took the 101 class, I signed in last time, I sat RIGHT there, and she was the one giving the class, I reminded her about 2 other people there and so she FINALLY went and checked my records and and then saw that I wasn't lying. So she then felt like it was ok to MOVE the hell ON to 201. And then I asked her if the 201 slide show is going to be anything like the 101 because that wasn't helpful at all! She said it would be the same thing so I tried to explain WHY I'm doing the 1 on 1 classes. I'm not joking, she goes "well the bypass, sleeve, and DS are included in the same slides because it's pretty much the same thing." OMG OMG OMG-- I was looking around for the nearest wall to smash my own head through. I was like "no, actually they aren't. They are completely different." and she goes "well the surgeries are different but the pre-op, post-op, and nutrition requirements are all the same."
Me- "Umm, no, they really aren't. The DS has MUCH different dietary requirements than the RNY. I mean completely different."
Her- "No they're very similar, you'll really be following pretty much the same diet."
Me- "Where are you getting your information from? Dr. Husted himself told me how different the diet was, not that I needed him to tell me because I taught myself on OH, but I'm just curious if everyone will be trained on how the DS actually works."
Her- "Well those are things you should probably ask Dr. Husted yourself, I can only show you what we have on the slides."
Me- "OK, I understand that, but my entire point is that if you're just showing me what is on the slides then there's no point in me being here since it doesn't apply to me at all."
Her- "Yes it does apply to you, it's the same thing."
I was about to lose it, I really was and despite my venting I do NOT lose my temper in person ever. It takes a lot to really piss me off, but she was doing such a good job at it. Thank GOD "Girl A" walked in- finally- and took over and she was amazing! She knew what she was talking about, she took her time and let me ask as many questions as I wanted. She had actually spent a long time talking to Dr. Husted about the DS and learning about it so she does know a lot. Anything I asked that she wasn't 100% sure on, she wrote down to ask Dr. Husted and research herself so she can add it into the slides. I felt so much better after she finally got there. "Girl B" should just NOT work in a center that does the DS.
Anyway, sorry- I do feel a bit better for venting :) I DID get a cool little backpack/goody bag! I LOVE goody bags!!! Mine had the standard watter bottle, a little photo album, a journal with a pen, a little case with small utensils (for bite proportions), and then the cool backpack it came in. I also bought 4 samples of the Geriatric Advantage protein shake bottles. They're kinda cool that they come in the bottles and you just add milk or water. It's no Blender Ball, but still good for on the go! I'll review those too when I try them.

Oh, and I owe you goodies from last night's 1am treck to wal-mart.

I got:
* The last 2 Blender Bottles in the entire store ($6.50 each!)
* Matches (just in case for the bathroom)
* Gauze pads
* Skin tape (to go w/the pads for my wounds)
* Spongebob Square Pants Band-Aids! (because when we have owies we all want to feel like a little kid being taken care of! Last time I got Disney Princesses and it DID make me feel better!)
* A new blender (for protein shakes and what not)
* Spongebob Square Pants sippy cups! (someone on OH suggested this to help slow down your water if you tend to be a gulper, which I am! )
* Baby wipes to help keep clean
* baby size utensils
* pink crates to hold my protein samples and stuff
* mini loaf pan to make proportionate size meat loaf
* a blank notebook for organizing
Ok I think that's all :) And I am falling asleep as I'm typing this so i'm off to take a nap. I heart you all!