Before Halloween I was stressing out about resisting all the yummy trick-or-treat candy I was going to be passing out. So I spent some time in the kitchen testing out some recipes so that I could avoid that pit-fall. I pre-made some of my favorites so that when little Hannah Montanas and Spidermen came knocking on my door, temptation wouldn't come too.
Well I never even had a chance to avoid temptation with my special goodies :( But I did find a great way to not have any interest at all in eating anything, even my favorite peanut butter M&Ms...get the flu.
Halloween morning my husband came home from work saying he didn't feel too good, and sure enough, by the end of the night, neither did I. I had to have my sister come over in an emergency to take all the trick-or-treat candy to her friend's dorm to pass out to drunk frat boys since there was no way I was letting that evilness stay in my house after trick-or-treat night. And the news told us all not to pass out candy if we're sick :(
So instead of walking my 5k I had to miss it AGAIN :( and we didn't get to go see Paranormal Activity or go to the haunted house or pass out candy, or dress up, or enjoy our decorations we put up :( (wah wah wah). But I DID lose 7 lbs! Hahaha, I know that's not the healthy way to do it, I wasn't trying to, but when you can't eat anything at all it's bound to happen. Let's just hope that my body doesn't try to ward off Thanksgiving temptations the same way, right?